Career Development

UCSB Library is pleased to announce a new Presentation Practice Room available for reservation by UCSB students, faculty, and staff. Located on the 1st Floor Mountain Side (room 1506), the space allows you to practice, refine, and record oral and multimedia presentations for classes and seminars, conferences, teaching preparation, Grad Slam, Lunch & Learn, thesis defenses, and other events.

By Daina Tagavi, Professional Development Peer
Friday, October 26th, 2018 - 3:30pm

UCSB Library is pleased to announce a new Presentation Practice Room available for reservation by UCSB students, faculty, and staff. Located on the 1st Floor Mountain Side (room 1506), the space allows you to practice, refine, and record oral and multimedia presentations for classes and seminars, conferences, teaching preparation, Grad Slam, Graduate Lunch & Learn, thesis defenses, and other events.

You can reserve the Practice Presentation Room online 2 weeks in advance and for 2-hour periods per day through the library reservation system.

The room includes:

  • A podium
  • A large wall display monitor that connects to your personal laptop or to a Library laptop
  • A ceiling-mounted camera
  • A whiteboard and markers
  • A table and 4 chairs

Instructions for using the technology, including how to record presentations, are posted in the room. Clickers with laser pointer are available for check-out from the Library Services Desk.

For resources and help with speaking & presenting for graduate students, check out our GradPost Page on the topic! If you are interested in more opportunities to help practice your presentation skills, consider signing up for the Grad Slam and Graduate Lunch & Learn.