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The Graduate Division is excited to announce a brand-new addition to the staff of the Graduate Student Resource Center! Robby Nadler joins the team as our first-ever Graduate Writing Specialist, a full-time position devoted to expanding and improving graduate writing support on our campus. Read on to find out more about how Robby is working to support graduate students here at UCSB.

The Graduate Division is excited to announce a brand-new addition to the staff of the Graduate Student Resource Center! Robby Nadler joins the team as our first-ever Graduate Writing Specialist, a full-time position devoted to expanding and improving graduate writing support on our campus. Robby comes to us from the University of Georgia, where he recently completed his Ph.D. in English (with a concentration in composition studies) and has served as the Assistant Director of their Writing Centers for the past 3 years. Read on to find out more about Robby's position and how he will be working to support graduate students here on our campus.
Writing Workshops. Robby will continue to offer our regular suite of writing workshops geared toward graduate students, including âsessions on academic job search documents and the fundamentals of grant writing. He will also be developing new workshops on topics such as writing literature reviews, transforming class papers into conference presentations, and how to design and present a conference poster. If you have workshop topic suggestions, you can email him at
One-on-One Writing Consultations. Robby is available by appointment for individual âconsultations with graduate students to discuss any type of work - from class writing assignments to theses/dissertations to grant applications. He will provide tailored feedback to help students achieve the larger goals of the writing document related to issues of genre appropriateness, clarity, concision, and academic/industry standards. This type of support seeks to address larger writing concerns, so grammar instruction and proofreading services will not be provided.
Tailored Departmental Support. âAnother facet of Robby's position involves providing support to faculty and departments who work with graduate students on writing-related issues. He is available to lead âguest lectures and workshops for your department, consult with faculty on designing writing assignments and assessing graduate student âwork, and âwork with new graduate students who are transitioning from undergraduate âto graduate-level studies. âThere is no boundary on the discipline, writing document, or audience as long as graduate students are, in some way, bettered.
Over the next several months, Robby will be on a listening tour to learn about the types of writing support that already exist on our campus and how he can leverage this new position to expand and improve these services. Be on the look out for more updates from him in the near future! You can always email him directly with suggestions and input at