Applications to the 2016-17 Steve and Barbara Mendell Graduate Fellowship in Cultural Literacy are due to the Capps Center by May 2.
The 2016-17 applications for the Steve and Barbara Mendell Graduate Fellowship in Cultural Literacy are being accepted now through May 2. This fellowship provides a stipend for one or more graduate students in the College of Letters and Science at UCSB (Humanities and Fine Arts, Social Sciences, Sciences) whose research or programs of study advance the goals of broad-based cultural literacy and high ethical standards in our participative democracy. Although the scope of possible research topics for funding is wide, all such topics must relate to some aspect of contemporary values and ethics in the "public sphere," such as the importance of civility and tolerance, appreciation for pluralism and human rights, understanding ways in which social conflict is resolved, or the role of public humanities generally in society. Support may be provided for dissertation fellowships, supplemental fellowships, summer stipends, or for special research projects.
Award: Either two fellowships of $5,000 each, or one fellowship of $5,000 and two fellowships of $2,500 each.
Eligibility: Any MFA or Ph.D. candidate whose research supports the advancement of cultural literacy.
Deadline: May 2 at 5:00 p.m. to 3001C Humanities and Social Sciences Building.
For more information and complete details of the fellowship, visit the Capps Center website.