Finding balance between competing life priorities – such as school, work, family, hobbies, and self-care – can be a challenge. To avoid burnout or excess stress, learn to set and enforce boundaries that are right for you and your particular life circumstances. The balance among your priorities can change from day to day, term to term, and year to year, so it is important to routinely evaluate your own needs and not compare your balance to that of others.
Key People to Know
The Graduate Student Peer Advisors are available to meet with fellow grad students to discuss anything related to grad school at UCSB
Counseling and Psychological Services
Promotes the emotional well-being of students through individual and group psychotherapy, crisis intervention, and stress management services
Disabled Student Program
Works to ensure full participation and equal access to all educational activities and classes at UCSB and to facilitate student success for students with disabilities
Student Health Services
Comprehensive on-campus health services for students, including medical services, behavioral health, pharmacy, and insurance support
Recreation Center

Adventure programs, group fitness classes, intramural sports, and more
Graduate Student Association
Elected representative government for UCSB grad students, offering opportunities for involvement and socializing including weekly bagel hour and monthly happy hour
Advocate Office for Sexual and Gender
Based Violence and Sexual Misconduct Program dedicated to anticipating and responding to the needs of students impacted by stalking, dating/domestic violence, and sexual assault by providing confidential advocacy and support.
The Title IX and Sexual Harassment Policy
Compliance Office (Title IX Office) ensures all UCSB community members fulfill the campus’ commitment to create and maintain a work and academic environment free of sex discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence.
The Office of the Ombuds

The Office of the Ombuds provides confidential consultation services to faculty, staff, students, parents, or anyone else with a campus-related concern, addressing issues such as workplace issues, interpersonal conflict, academic concerns, policy questions, and many other problems, whether as a first step, last resort, or at any point along the way.
Non-Traditional Student Resource

The Resource Office committed to serving all students coming from diverse backgrounds and life situations, including those who took time off before going to school, are transferring at an age older than most students, have families, or are re-entering.