The Graduate Division posts this list of editors for hire as a third party to connect students with potential editors: we do not officially endorse the quality or services of anyone on this list, nor do we receive compensation of any kind for business that transpires through this list. The only two vetting criteria used to determine editor qualification are that 1) the person demonstrates sufficient professional editing abilities and 2) is directly associated with the university (either as a faculty person or as a current/former student). Please click on the following editor names to learn more about their editing experiences, rates, and contact information.

To be considered for the editing resource list, please contact Academic, Professional, and Technical Graduate Writing Development Director Robby Nadler for the application form.

Ryan Kelley

Qualifying experience: Copyediting certificate, UC San Diego / 6+ years of professional editing experience working with academic and trade manuscripts, doctoral dissertations, and grant proposals

Type of editor: General/humanities-oriented

Specialties: Dissertations, Greek, Hebrew, Latin sources

Rate: Basic editing, proofreading, or fact checking – $35/hr; 
Heavy editing – $45/hr; Indexing –$5.50/indexable page


Ingrid Bowman

Qualifying experience: Current academic writing Instructor at UCSB and previously at universities in China, Tunisia, and Europe

Type of editor: Academic and non-academic writing in most disciplines 

Specialties: English as a Foreign Language writers; business and academic communication (reports, grant writing, correspondence, presentations, essays).

Rate: Rate quote to be determined based on length and urgency of the work

Contact e-mail:

Victoria Steffes

Qualifying experience: Contractor for English manuscript editing service for Japanese speakers, freelance editor of manuscripts and grant/fellowship proposals, published author in peer-reviewed journals, recipient of NSF graduate research fellowship.

Type of editor: Science, General

Specialties: Grant and fellowship proposals, manuscripts, ESL

Rate: $35/hr

Contact e-mail: 

Catherine Scanlon

Qualifying experience: 3rd-year graduate student in Linguistics, previously worked as an editor for Cactus Communications, editing academic papers by ESL authors

Type of editor: General, familiar with both American and British style 

Rate: $30/hour 

Contact e-mailcscanlon@ucsb.eduv

Elliott Hoey

Qualifying experience: PhD in linguistics from Radboud University Nijmegen, active researcher, created index for Feeling It (editors Bucholtz, Casillas, and Lee) and for my own book with Oxford University Press

Type of editor: Social science and humanities > linguistics, communication > sociolinguistics 

Rate: Negotiable based on project 


Jordan Andusha Glendower Douglas

Qualifying experience: Worked as a researcher on a NSF grant doing copy-editing and transcription of hand-written notes from the Smithsonian researching linguistic and cultural data about several indigenous peoples of the Oregon Coast. I have a B.A. in Linguistics, specializing in syntax,  with a minor in Political Science, specializing in political philosophy, both of which require editing as an essential component of the work. Furthermore, I have successfully completed a 227 page historical linguistics undergraduate thesis. 

Type of editor: General editing, humanities, political science, linguistics

Specialties: Linguistics, Political Science, Philosophy

Rate: In accordance with the Editorial Freelancers Association, $20-$40 per hour for basic copyediting and $30-$50 for heavy copyediting.

Contact e-mail:

Elizabeth Floyd

Qualifying experience: Ph.D. in English Literature; Instructor of Record for lower and upper div English courses

Type of editor: General, humanities 

Specialties: Dissertations, grant applications and reports, business communications, creative writing 

Rate: $30/hr (negotiable for longer projects) 

Contact e-mail:

Andreea (Nicolaescu) Corona

Qualifying experience: Bachelor’s degree in English; Master’s degree in Education; previously served as an editor for graduate students at the University of San Diego; edited masters theses

Type of editor: General; humanities; scientific communication 

Specialties: ESL/EFL and TESOL teaching background 

Rate: $50/hour 


Allison Silver Adelman

Qualifying experience: PhD in Linguistics, UCSB (2014). Freelance Academic Copyeditor since 2009, specializing in ESL support. Assistant Editor of “How Languages Work” introductory linguistics textbook, Cambridge University Press, first and second editions (volume editor: Carol Genetti, Dean of Graduate Division, UCSB). Scientific Editor for Craig Hawker, Materials Research Laboratory, UCSB (2015–2016). Copyediting experience with monographs and edited volumes for John Benjamins, Cambridge University Press, Palgrave MacMillan, Routledge, etc., as well as with scholarly journal articles (e.g., the Asian and African Languages and Linguistics journal for Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), and dissertations for doctoral candidates at universities in the U.S., Europe, and Japan.

Type of editor: Primarily Social Sciences and Humanities. Most experience in: Linguistics, Conversation Analysis, Education, Art History, History, and with ESL/ELL writers.

Specialties: Working with ELL and ESL clients, from varied linguistic backgrounds. Very experienced working with writers whose first language is Japanese or Korean. (Proficient in Japanese and conversational in Korean.) Background in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition.

Rate: Variable. (My rates are determined based on word count for shorter projects, like an abstract or journal article. My rates are hourly for long-term projects like dissertations or book manuscripts.)


Gilliam Writers Group

Qualifying experience: Various Experiences with Teaching, Editing, Writing, and Other Modes of Professional Consultation

Type of editor: Coaching, Tutoring, Editing, Manuscript Consultation, Writing Rooms

Specialties: Fiction, Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Screenwriting, Playwriting, Business Writing, Professional Writing, Academic Writing, Personal Statements, and Prompt Writing

Rate: Varying, Dependent on Packages and Editor of Choice

Contact e-mail: