Postdoctoral scholars at UC Santa Barbara comprise a diverse group of approximately 300 researchers across many disciplines. Postdoctoral scholar appointments are temporary positions with fixed end dates intended to provide a full-time program that emphasizes scholarship, continued research training, and mentorship for individuals who have recently completed a doctoral degree. UCSB offers a variety of resources and opportunities to support postdocs during their time here on campus.

Academic Personnel (AP)

Your department, in conjunction with Academic Personnel, will coordinate all of your hiring paperwork and benefits processing. For more information, contact your department’s Business Officer or Billy Ko ( in Academic Personnel.

Graduate Student Resource Center (GSRC) 

Almost all of the career and professional development programming offered through the GSRC is open to postdocs, including workshops, one-on-one advising, and campus referrals. Find out more about their services and events at

Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS) 

Many of our campus’ postdocs are scholars coming from outside the US who will need to coordinate with OISS for visa processing and travel authorizations. Additionally, OISS offers valuable cultural programming as well as advising and referrals on a number of issues related to international scholars. For more information on J-1 visa issues, email For more information on cultural programming, search Shoreline using the "international" events tag or email OISS programming at

Center for Science & Engineering Partnerships (CSEP)

 CSEP offers numerous opportunities for postdocs to engage in professional development activities and to gain experience in teaching, mentoring, and community engagement. For more information, visit or email Arica Lubin (

To be added to the UCSB postdoc listserv, or to change the email address that is subscribed to this list, please email Billy Ko.

Prospective Postdoctoral Scholars

Application for postdoctoral training at UC Santa Barbara is made to a specific faculty member or members in an academic department or research unit. Many positions are also posted on UCSB’s Recruit system for academic job openings. All correspondence regarding any potential openings, the application for any such openings, and one's status must be directed to the faculty member or department in question. The faculty member and the department are solely responsible for determining if there is a match with the applicant and area of interest and for facilitating the appointment in regard to space and financial resource allocations. Postdoc appointment titles vary in compensation, benefits, and taxation and is determined by the source of support.

 Below is a sample list of databases or grant funding opportunities and resources for postdoctoral research.

Current Postdoctoral Scholars

Single postdocs are eligible to apply for housing in the San Clemente Center, and postdocs with partners and/or children are eligible to apply for housing in UCSB’s Family Student Housing residences. Priority for both of these communities goes to full-time students, and spots fill up quickly, so it is recommended to apply as soon as possible. Postdocs may also receive guidance on off-campus housing options through the Community Housing Office.

Family Student 
Community Rental 

Our campus supports 2 Children’s Centers that offer childcare for student, staff, faculty, and community families. The Center is heavily utilized by our community, so we recommend getting on the waitlist early (e.g. as soon as you have a due date for childbirth or a placement date for adoption). For questions about enrollment, email 

The Department of Recreation’s facility, known as the Rec Cen, offers a variety of fitness spaces, classes, and programs for which postdocs can purchase memberships. Access to the Rec Cen facilities may be purchased through a membership, or postdocs can sign up for individual classes and programs as well.

The Beyond Academia conference at UC Santa Barbara is an annual event aimed at preparing graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in all stages and disciplines to pursue a wide range of career options after graduate school. Postdocs are invited to attend the annual conference and to get involved on the planning committee. For more information, you can email

Located at the center of campus, the UCSB Library is the academic and cultural hub for students and scholars. It is part of the 10-campus University of California Library System which houses more than 45 million volumes, making it one of the largest research libraries in the United States. Postdocs can access numerous collections and exhibits in the Library, as well as subject librarians to help facilitate access to resources that support their research.

Scholarly Communication Page
Open Access Publishing Fund
Scholarly Communication and Publishing Discussion List
Scholarly Communication and Publishing Brochure

Human Resources
Academic & Staff Assistance Program (ASAP)
The UCSB Academic & Staff Assistance Program (ASAP) supports the health and well-being of faculty, staff, and family members. They assist with identifying, managing, and resolving work-related and personal concerns that may affect job performance and relationships. They offer confidential short-term counseling, consultation, wellness workshops, and assistance with threat management.
Transitional Work Program (TWP) Brochure
Lactation Accommodation Program Flyer 

Transportation & Parking Services is an innovative and self-sustaining department that supports the UCSB mission by providing safe and reliable parking, fleet services, and transportation alternatives to the campus community. Postdocs can purchase campus parking permits and sign up for a number of commuter programs designed to promote sustainability and ease of access to the campus.

Office of Research
The Office of Research provides support for postdocs involved in proposal writing and submission, as well as training in human subjects and research compliance.

Information about employment rights, collective bargaining, and other resources. 

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity
Through UCSB’s institutional membership, graduate students and postdocs get access to free professional development and pedagogical resources including webinars, readings, and discussion forums.

NPA Postdocs, faculty, grad students, administrators, and alumni may sign up for free as UCSB Affiliate Members by registering with their UCSB email address. The website also hosts information for international postdocs such as the International Postdoc Survival Guide and Going In With Your Eyes Open: What to Ask Before Accepting a U.S. Postdoctoral Position.

System-wide representation for UC postdoctoral scholars that works collaboratively with the UC administration to improve the training and scholarship of postdoctoral scholars.

The largest online community dedicated to non-academic and non-faculty careers for PhDs in humanities, social sciences, and STEM. With UCSB’s institutional subscription, you gain access to premium content such as career transition portfolios, active members-only discussion boards, and online and in-person networking resources. To sign up, visit the Graduate Division’s Versatile PhD subscription page.

The Office of the Ombuds at UC Santa Barbara provides confidential consultation services to faculty, staff, students, parents, or anyone else with a campus-related concern. The ombuds addresses workplace issues, interpersonal conflict, academic concerns, policy questions, and many other problems, whether as a first step, last resort, or at any point along the way. The Office of the Ombuds is dedicated to ensuring fairness throughout the University and regularly makes recommendations for systemic change.
Ombuds brochure for postdocs

The CARE Office works to support all of those impacted by interpersonal violence, including sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. We offer confidential services to all graduate and postdoc students. CARE's resources are available 24/7 for postdocs and are tailored for your needs and concerns. 
CARE Advocacy Handout

Mentoring Resources

At UC Santa Barbara, faculty mentors are responsible for guiding and monitoring the advanced training of postdoctoral scholars. In that role, faculty mentors should make clear the goals, objectives, and expectations of the training program and the responsibilities of postdoctoral scholars. They should frequently communicate with postdoctoral scholars, provide regular and timely assessments of the postdoctoral scholar’s performance, and provide career advice and job placement assistance.