
Various awards are available to American Indian and Alaska Native graduate students pursuing MA, MS, PhD, STEM, Medical, Law, MBA, and other professional degrees. Read on for a list of opportunities - next earliest deadline is June 1, 2019.

By Noreen Balos, Funding Peer
Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 - 1:15pm

​Each year, the American Indian Graduate Center (AIGC) awards over 400 fellowships to American Indian and Alaska Native graduate students in any field of study​. Funding opportunities for graduate students include MA, MS, PhD, STEM, Medical, Law, MBA, and other professional degrees.

Varies due to availability of funds and unmet financial need. Awards range from $1,000 to $5,000 for an academic year (not including summer).

​June 1, 2019

AIGC Fellowships