
The Cottage Health Research Grant Program is accepting proposals from the medical and scientific community for research priority considerations in: Pediatrics, Trauma, Precision Medicine, and Neurology/Brain disorders. Proposals are due August 16, 2019, and must be submitted with a Cottage Health employee or medical staff as a Co-PI.

By Noreen Balos, Funding Peer
Thursday, July 11th, 2019 - 8:00am

The Cottage Health Research Grant Program, supported by the Cottage Health Research Institute (CHRI), is pleased to release a 2019 Request for Proposals. Two types of awards are available for up to $50,000, and special consideration will be given to projects pertaining to: Pediatrics, Trauma, Neurology/Brain Disorders, and Precision Medicine. Proposals are due August 16, 2019, and must be submitted with a Cottage Health employee or medical staff as a Co-PI.

Through this grant program, CHRI intends to support the medical and scientific community and equip it with the tools it needs to enhance:

  • the latest clinical medical research
  • the basic science and principles of emerging technology
  • the newest medical instrumentation and commercial pharmaceutical developments

By supporting the biomedical community, we hope to ensure a healthier future through research. A peer review mechanism with emphasis on scientific merit will be used to rate proposals.

If you need clarification on the program or application process, please reach out to or call 805-324-9260.

Cottage Health Research Institute 2019
RFP Detailed Handout