
TIRF seeks to build a multilingual and multicultural world by supporting English language education through research and professional development. Applicants who have advanced to candidacy in PhD or EdD programs are invited to submit proposals for Doctoral Dissertation Grants (DDGs) of up to $5,000. Apply by May 27, 2020!

By Kaitlyn Ugoretz, Funding Peer
Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 - 9:00am


The International Research Foundation for English Language Education (TIRF) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote research and best practices that inform and enrich English language education in multilingual contexts. TIRF seeks to build a multilingual and multicultural world by supporting English language education through research and professional development. TIRF also supports research on the revitalization of endangered indigenous languages.

Since 2002, TIRF has supported students completing their doctoral research on topics related to the foundation's priorities. Each year, applicants who have been advanced to candidacy in legitimate PhD or EdD programs are invited to submit proposals for Doctoral Dissertation Grants (DDGs) of up to $5,000.


​May 27, 2020.


Up to $5,000.


Applicants must be advanced to candidacy and have had a research plan approved by a faculty committee at their university. Applicants do not need to be U.S. citizens.


More info here.