
The University of California Humanities Research Institute facilitates experimental, interdisciplinary humanities scholarship through partnerships, research initiatives, and competitive grants. Applications for graduate student funding is open now. Some deadlines are in late February, so act quickly!

By Liliana Garcia, Funding Peer
Friday, February 4th, 2022 - 7:58am

Grants season at the University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI) brings many new open calls for funding to support collaborative faculty and graduate student projects as well as individual research and publishing projects. See below for more information about a variety of grants available to graduate students. Some of these grants have deadlines in late February, so be sure to act quickly!


Graduate Working Group
Graduate Student Working Group grants support networks of scholars across the UC. Guided by our focus on Living Through Upheaval, we are particularly interested in projects addressing how inquiry is conditioned by turbulence. Deadline: February 22.

Medicine & Humanities
The Andrew Vincent White and Florence Wales White Scholarship provides up to $20,000 for UC graduate students engaged in interdisciplinary humanistic research on medicine, broadly defined. UCHRI welcomes projects that approach problems of health, healing, pain, bodies, medicines, afflictions, and treatments in unexpected and creative ways. Deadline: February 22.

Institutional Failure as Global Leadership
This new program for humanities graduate students explores case-based instances of contemporary leadership "models" and creative practices in the face of institutional standardization, bureaucratization, even failure. While interested in exploring questions around leadership-What is it? What isn't it? Why does it matter in a world where we're seemingly left to deal with crises individually?-this seminar will begin by examining leadership, institutional standardization, and failure by taking education as an exemplary case. Deadline: April 18.

PhD Research Internship
The PhD Research Internship Program will support one UC graduate student to work on UCHRI's systemwide programs for the summer, engaging in program development and evaluation and scholarly communications. Deadline: April 18.

Feb 22, 2022 and Apr 12, 2022


Eligibility varies please check out the grant opportunity for more information.
Graduate Working Group
Medicine & Humanities
Institutional Failure as Global Leadership
PhD Research Internship

UCHRI Grant Opportunities