
The Life Sciences Research Foundation recently announced a fellowship competition for three-year postdoctoral researchers in basic life sciences. All postdoctoral researchers engaged in high-quality, creative science in all areas of basic life sciences are encouraged to apply. Read on for more info and apply by October 1, 2022!

By Liliana Garcia, Funding Peer
Wednesday, May 25th, 2022 - 3:47pm

The Life Sciences Research Foundation recently announced the fellowship competition for postdoctoral researchers in basic life sciences. The LSRF aims to identify young scientists at a critical juncture of their training and fund exceptional postdoctoral researchers engaged in high-quality, creative science in all areas of basic life sciences. We solicit individuals, companies and foundations for the funds to support these young scientists for the three-year award period.

October 1, 2022 (5 pm PST)

$201,000 ($67,000/year)

All postdoctoral researchers who have received their Ph.D. within the last five years may apply. This fellowship is open to both U.S. citizens and non-U.S. citizens.

See this site for additional information on the award type and amount, for helpful FAQs.