Career & Tools

Graduate school can be intense, overwhelming, and stressful for most students – and that’s just the research and coursework aspects. In this workshop on May 18th, we’ll cover important techniques for addressing your own mental health during this precarious phase, including how to manage expectations, set realistic goals, and balance competing demands on your time and energy.

Monday, May 3rd, 2021 - 4:00pm

Graduate school can be intense, overwhelming, and stressful for most students - and that's just the research and coursework aspects. Add in the extra anxiety of navigating a career transition at the end of grad school and it's no wonder that the process can take a serious toll on your mental health. In this workshop, we'll cover important techniques for addressing your own mental health during this precarious phase, including how to manage expectations, set realistic goals, and balance competing demands on your time and energy.

With Lana Smith-Hale, LCSW (Graduate Career Counselor)
and Darren del Castillo, Ph.D. (CAPS Psychologist)

When: Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Time: 1:30 - 2:30 PM
Where: Zoom*
*RSVP to receive the link/password to the workshop

RSVP today!

The GSRC is committed to providing access and reasonable accommodation for individuals with disabilities. For information or to request disability accommodation, please email Hannah Lawrence, Assistant Director of Professional Development, directly.