
Are you looking to host a graduate student event? Are you unsure of how you can get the funds necessary to make your event a success? The Graduate Student Association is here to help make that happen!

By Michael Roysner, Graduate Programming Assistant
Friday, March 1st, 2024 - 11:19am

GSA has funds to make things happen!

If you or your organization is looking for some extra help in supporting graduate student event and/or conferences the Graduate Student Association has limited funding available! The GSA is able to award $300 per student organization per quarter with a maximum of $600 awarded per academic year per graduate student organization.

Qualifying graduate student organizations must put on events that enrich the  educational experience of the graduate student body here at UCSB. Events that qualify include: conferences, symposia, lecture series, live performances, and more! If you unsure if your event qualifies, email the GSA's Vice President of Financial Affairs.

Funding Priorities

  • Requests from organizations of graduate students over requests from student organizations with graduate student members.
  • Requests for activities for :graduate students over requests, in descending order, for all students, the entire campus community, or the local community.
  • Interdisciplinary requests involving different academic departments, over requests involving only one academic department or discipline.

Applying and Deadlines

Applications for funding requests are due to the VP of Financial Affairs no less than five buisness days before the monthly GSA Assembly. You can find the application for the funding requests by Clicking Here!

If approved you will be invited to present at the GSA General Assembly a slide show giving an overview of the event, benefits to graduate students, and how your organizations will use the funds.

Receiving Funds

Funds will be disbursed in one of two ways if awarded:

  1. Your academic department incurs the expenses and the GSA will reimburse the department via a Transfer of Expenses (TOE)
  2. Direct reimbursement to an individual via Concur

Don't wait to apply! Funds are limited so take advantage of this opportunity while you still can!