Career & Tools

Jean-luc Doumont returns to UCSB during his West Coast tour. His talks are informative, well-crafted and poignant; they are worthwhile whether this is your first time or you are a devoted fan!

By Kyle Crocco, Writing Peer
Thursday, April 14th, 2016 - 12:37pm

Jean-luc DoumontJean-luc Doumont returns to UCSB during his West Coast tour. His talks are informative, well-crafted and poignant; they are worthwhile whether this is your first time or you are a devoted fan!

Making the Most of Your Presentation
Tuesday, April 19, 10 a.m.-noon, ESB 1001
Strong presentation skills are a key to success for engineers, scientists, and others, yet many speakers are at a loss to tackle the task. Systematic as they otherwise can be in their work, they go at it intuitively or haphazardly, with much good will but seldom good results. In this talk, Dr. Doumont proposes a systematic way to prepare and deliver an oral presentation: he covers structure, slides, and delivery, as well as stage fright.

Everyone's Favorite Mistakes
Tuesday, April 19, 3-4:30 p.m., MSRB 1302
Although they can be models of rigor in their area of expertise, scientists, engineers, and other rational minds often appear to abandon all logic in other aspects of their lives. As a result, they draw wrong conclusions and make suboptimal decisions that work against the interest of all involved. By unmasking typical incorrect reasonings at home and at work, this lecture will sharpen your critical thinking in every aspect of your life.

Please arrive early
Light refreshments provided

Speaker Bio
An engineer (Louvain) and Ph.D. in applied physics (Stanford), Jean-luc ​Doumont has been acclaimed worldwide for his no-nonsense approach, his highly applicable and often life-changing recommendations on a wide range of topics, and "Trees, ​Maps, and ​Theorems," his book about effective communication for rational minds.

These talks are sponsored by AIM Photonics, the Graduate Division, Graduate Students for Diversity in Science, Women in Science and Engineering, and PDS.