Career & Tools

Many Ph.D. students feel that their degree will be their main qualification when they enter the non-academic job market, but having relevant job experience is just as important. This workshop will cover how to pursue relevant work experience alongside your graduate work.

By Erik Martinez, Graduate Career Peer
Thursday, February 16th, 2017 - 8:37am

Credit: Matt PerkoMany Ph.D. students feel that their degree will be their main qualification when they enter the non-academic job market, but having relevant job experience is just as important in setting yourself apart from other applicants. Not only will job experience make you better qualified to pursue different career options, the process of gaining experience can help you figure out which careers most interest you to start with. This workshop will cover how to find and pursue relevant experience in the form of part-time jobs and internships that can be done alongside your graduate work.

Finding and Pursuing Non-Academic Jobs and Internships
Facilitator: Lana Smith-Hale, Graduate Career Counselor

Date: Wednesday, February 22
Time: 11​ a.m.-noon
Location: SRB 2154
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