On Friday, January 16, Professors Karen Myers (Communication) and David Seibold (Technology Management Program) led a workshop on job interviews and negotiating a job offer.

By Shawn Warner-Garcia, Program Coordinator
Friday, January 23rd, 2015 - 9:26am

On Friday, January 16, Professors Karen Myers (Communication) and David Seibold Negotiating(Technology Management Program) led a workshop on job interviews and negotiating a job offer. The workshop discussed the basics of negotiation with an emphasis on the importance of negotiating job offers in academia and elsewhere. Below, you will find links to resources distributed at the workshop, including PowerPoint slides and handouts.

"Negotiating a Job Offer" PowerPoint Slides

"Negotiating Offers for Faculty Positions" Handout

"What You Can Neogitate in Academic Positions" Handout

"What You Can Negotiate in Industry Positions" Handout

"Job Offer Negotiation Role Plays" Handout