Career Development

The Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies invites ​graduate students to apply for an opportunity to teach their own course and gain experience and expertise in leading university-level courses. The deadline to apply is Monday, August 29.

By Kyle Crocco, Writing Peer
Monday, August 22nd, 2016 - 2:03pm

The Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies invites ​graduate students to apply for an opportunity to teach their own course and gain experience and expertise in leading university-level courses.

Completed application packets must include a graduate student application cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and a faculty nomination letter (to be sent separately to Mayra Villanueva). All application materials must be received by the Chicana/o Studies Graduate Affairs Office in South Hall 1722 no later than Monday, August 29, 2016.

The faculty​ nomination letter need not exceed one page and should address the following:

  1. The qualifications of the student to teach the specific class,
  2. The timeliness of teaching for the graduate student being nominated and how this fits in with her/his graduate training, and
  3. Faculty willingness to serve as the student's mentor during the instruction period.

The graduate student application letter must provide a succinct discussion of the following:

  1. The course number and title,
  2. The professional and pedagogical reasons you wish to have the Teaching Associate position,
  3. How the opportunity to teach your own course will help your overall professional development, and
  4. How the specific course you wish to teach is related to your research areas.

The Department has openings for Teaching Associates in the following courses:

  • CHST 114 : Cultural and Critical Theory (Fall 2016)
  • CHST 154: Gender & Sexuality (Fall 2016)

The Department will assess the faculty nominations and graduate student applications and select the Teaching Associates based on qualifications and curricular need.

Finalists for the Teaching Associate position will be notified by the Department and asked to submit additional materials to the Department's Graduate Affairs Office, including a syllabus for the proposed course. These items will be included in the Teaching Associate packet forwarded to the Graduate Division and Academic Senate for final approval of the appointment.

Students who have received their master's degree and completed a minimum of one year of teaching experience as a Teaching Assistant are eligible to apply for temporary Teaching Associate appointments. Students must also be enrolled the quarter before the appointment to be eligible for employment.

If you have any questions, please contact Mayra Villanueva, Staff Graduate Program Advisor, at