Career Development
SERA is an exciting new summer outreach program that introduces qualified high-school students to the research enterprise through project-based, directed research in STEM-related fields.
No plans for the summer? Need experience in teaching? Apply to become a 2017 SERA Instructor and help design and teach a 4-unit course that provides hands-on experience in topics related to STEM research. SERA is an exciting new summer outreach program that introduces qualified high-school students to the research enterprise through project-based, directed research in STEM-related fields. Additionally, students will choose a track and enroll in a 4-unit course which will expose them to engaging concepts, hands-on learning, and professional development.
Detailed Announcement:
Salary: $4,234 (with advancement to candidacy), $4,022 (without advancement to candidacy)
Deadline: October 3, 2016
Program Dates: June 26-July 21, 2017 (4 weeks)
Application Process:
Submit the following documents electronically to Dr. Lina Kimâ:
1. Updated CV
2. Teaching philosophy (1 page max.)
3. Short course description that a) outlines the general theme with sample topics that will be covered in the class; b) provides a sample list of labs to be performed by students; and, c) provides sample research questions that students could investigate during the program. (1 page max.)