Career Development
Check out Instructional Development's lineup of workshops aimed at supporting graduate student Teaching Assistants and Teaching Associates. Each session is limited to 10 participants, so be sure to RSVP soon!
Check out Instructional Development's lineup of workshops aimed at supporting graduate student Teaching Assistants and Teaching Associates. Each session is limited to 10 participants, and all sessions are held in Kerr Hall 1128. Please RSVP to reserve your space and specify your department.
Jump-Starting Discussion: Increasing Student Involvement
Monday, October 17, 4-5 p.m.
Facilitator: Emma Levine, TADP Coordinator, Music Department
Fostering student participation is key to making discussion sections both effective and fun. We will discuss how you can prepare yourself, and your students, for lively discussions. These practical approaches can help students engage with the material, become more motivated scholars, and increase student interaction.
Grading Student Work
Monday, October 24, 4-5 p.m.
Facilitator: Emma Levine, TADP Coordinator, Music Department
As many TAs spend much time grading students' work, this session addresses strategies for making our work more efficient and consistent, as well as ways to encourage students' improvement. Issues we will discuss include creating grading rubrics, assessing creative projects, providing written feedback, and anticipating potential grade disputes. Bring to this workshop: a. the prompts or instructions for a specific assignment, project, and/or papers; b. (optional) any grading rubrics or grading checklists you use.
Preparing Your CCUT Portfolio
Thursday, October 27, 1-2 p.m.
Facilitator: Dr. Lisa Berry, Instructional Development
The session will provide tips on writing the CCUT teaching portfolio, including ways of presenting teaching materials, documenting student ratings, meeting the technology requirement, tone of the portfolio narration, and more. Participants need to have completed at least two of the CCUT requirements. Please note that if you are completing your doctorate degree in Winter Quarter, the final date that you may submit your CCUT portfolio is Friday Dec 9th.
Discovering Your Teacher Identity
Thursday, November 3, 10-11 a.m.
Facilitator: Dr. Mindy Colin, Instructional Development
Why do you choose to do certain in-class activities? What do you think is appropriate TA behavior when you are in front of a class? What is your ideal role as a teacher, and why? Whether you are a new or experienced TA, it is important to consider your "teacher identity" to help you justify your pedagogical choices and deal with unexpected challenges. In this workshop you will explore your own experiences as a student and TA in ways that will help you understand why you teach the way you teach, how students may interpret your interactions, and what kinds of teacher/TA development opportunities you may wish to pursue.
Crafting your Teaching Philosophy Statement
Wednesday, November 9, 11 a.m.-noon
Facilitator: Dr. Lisa Berry, Instructional Development
Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement can be a challenge, and is required for most teaching positions. At the same time, examining and articulating your teaching philosophy can help you to become a more effective instructor. As a participant in this workshop, you will work through a series of exercises to help you reflect on your teaching, and by workshop end you will have a draft outline of your teaching philosophy statement.
TA Panel - Managing Conflicting Viewpoints in an Academic Setting
Monday, November 14, 4-5 p.m.
Note different location: GSA Lounge
Facilitator: Emma Levine, TADP Coordinator, Music Department
Disagreements, resentment, and anger can arise in class when talk turns to controversial topics, or when students feel stupid, isolated, or misunderstood. Members of the panel will address ways of avoiding conflict, and help you with strategies for responding to "hot moments" in section.