Career & Tools

A great resource for available liberal arts tenure-track positions is through the Liberal Arts Diversity Officers (LADO) Consortium. Currently, there are approximately 170 tenure-track positions available, ranging from Anthropology to Native American Studies and Environmental Justice.

By Nicole Poletto, Professional Development Peer
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016 - 1:35pm

A great resource for available liberal arts tenure-track positions is through the Liberal Arts Diversity Officers (LADO) Consortium. LADO consists of 25 Liberal Arts Colleges and Research Universities nationwide that are dedicated to diversity and inclusion as the foundation to liberal arts education, critical thinking, and civic and community engagement. Along this vein, LADO colleges are participating in the C-3 initiative (Creating Connections Consortium) that implements strategies designed to accelerate the recruitment of students from historically underrepresented backgrounds into faculty positions.

Currently, there are approximately 170 tenure-track positions available across 40 subjects at LADO colleges ranging from Anthropology to Native American Studies and Environmental Justice.

Head to their website to learn more about the consortium and view the list of available positions on the job board. (Note: some deadlines are approaching quickly.)