Career Development
Check out Instructional Development's winter quarter lineup of workshops aimed at supporting graduate student Teaching Assistants and Teaching Associates. Their first workshop is on Wednesday, January 18. Space is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot today!
Check out Instructional Development's winter quarter lineup of workshops aimed at supporting graduate student Teaching Assistants and Teaching Associates. Each session is limited to 10 participants, and all sessions are held in Kerr Hall 1128. Please RSVP to reserve your space and specify your department. Questions? Contact Sarah Koepke.
Cultivating Professionalism and Academic Integrity
Wednesday, January 18, 11 a.m.-noon
Facilitator: Dr. Lisa Berry, Instructional Development
Do you find yourself spending valuable time dealing with plagiarism, cheating, and students who act "unprofessionally"? In this workshop, we will deconstruct these troubling behaviors to understand their root causes. Participants will develop strategies for cultivating professionalism in the classroom and helping students to respect intellectual property.
Student-Centered Pedagogy: What Happens When You Let Students Take Over?
Tuesday, January 24, 11 a.m.-noon
Facilitator: Dr. Mindy Colin, Instructional Development
Students constantly exert their agency in class. In fact, their choices about participation, attending class, and doing homework can greatly influence your instructional strategies. In this workshop, you will learn how to help students use their agency to become more responsible for their learning. Our discussion will be based on student-centered environments that encourage students to actively participate in class, contribute positively to class culture, and learn more than they thought possible.
Preparing Your CCUT Portfolio
Thursday, February 2, 3-4 p.m.
Facilitator: Dr. Lisa Berry, Instructional Development
The session will provide tips on writing the CCUT teaching portfolio, including ways of presenting teaching materials, documenting student ratings, meeting the technology requirement, tone of the portfolio narration, and more. Participants need to have completed at least two of the CCUT requirements. Please note that if you are completing your doctorate degree in Winter Quarter, the final date that you may submit your CCUT portfolio is Friday, March 24.
Crafting your Teaching Philosophy Statement
Wednesday, February 8, 11 a.m.-noon
Facilitator: Dr. Lisa Berry, Instructional Development
Writing a teaching philosophy statement can be a challenge, and is required for most teaching positions. At the same time, examining and articulating your teaching philosophy can help you to become a more effective instructor. As a participant in this workshop, you will work through a series of exercises to help you reflect on your teaching, and by workshop end you will have a draft outline of your teaching philosophy statement.
Grading Student Work
Monday, February 13, 4-5 p.m.
Facilitator: Emma Levine, TA Development Program Coordinator, Music Department
As many TAs spend much time grading students' work, this session addresses strategies for making our work more efficient and consistent, as well as ways to encourage students' improvement. Issues we will discuss include creating grading rubrics, assessing creative projects, providing written feedback, and anticipating potential grade disputes. Bring to this workshop: the prompts or instructions for a specific assignment, project, and/or papers; and (optional) any grading rubrics or grading checklists you use.
Seminar for First-Time Associates (in Spring Quarter)
Thursday, February 16, 1-2 p.m.
Facilitator: Dr. Lisa Berry, Instructional Development
Graduate students who will be teaching as Associates (i.e., Instructor of Record) in Spring Quarter are invited to attend. Topics include creating the syllabus, planning class sessions, giving feedback, and grading policies. Please bring a draft of your syllabus and two copies of three main course goals.
Helping Students Connect with Course Content
Thursday, February 23, 11 a.m.-noon
Facilitator: Dr. Mindy Colin, Instructional Development
Do you teach dry, theoretical material that students don't relate to? Are the topics in your class linked together in subtle ways? Do you have many interrelated bits of content that students perceive as confusing? Whether you teach in STEM, Social Sciences, or the Humanities, this workshop will help you make the abstract, subtle, and/or complex become more concrete to your students by using strategies that help them visualize and virtualize course content.
Constructing Your Syllabus
Monday, February 27, 4-5 p.m.
Facilitator: Emma Levine, TA Development Program Coordinator, Music Department
Whether you're a TA or an Associate, having a comprehensive syllabus is often essential for creating clear expectations and setting your students up for success. In this session, we'll discuss what information should go into a syllabus, how to create the right tone while still setting clear boundaries, and how to revise your syllabus from quarter to quarter. We'll also look at and critique sample syllabi from across disciplines.
Effective Use of Mobile Technology during Section
Wednesday, March 1, 2-3 p.m.
Facilitator: Dr. Mindy Colin, Instructional Development
Come learn the many different ways you can engage students by having them use their smart phones, tablets, and laptops during section! Not only we will look at some great classroom games and apps, we will also cover how to manage student behavior regarding mobile technology use during class.
The First Day of Section/Lecture (for Spring Quarter)
Monday, March 6, 4-5 p.m.
Facilitator: Emma Levine, TA Development Program Coordinator, Music Department
The first day of section/lecture often sets the tone for the entire quarter, and some of the challenges we face as instructors/TAs can be avoided by setting up ourselves and our students for success on the first day. What should you do on the first day? How long do you really need to spend going over logistics? How much time should be spent covering content? How much time should you devote to getting to know your students? Whether you've taught before, or Spring Quarter is your first time teaching, come join us for a discussion on how make the most of your first day with your students.
âClick here to reserve your space for any of the above workshop.