Career & Tools

Check out Instructional Development's spring quarter lineup of workshops aimed at supporting graduate student Teaching Assistants and Teaching Associates. Their first workshop is on Friday, April 7. Space is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot today!

By Nicole Poletto, Professional Development Peer
Thursday, April 6th, 2017 - 9:29am

Check out Instructional Development's spring quarter lineup of workshops aimed at supporting graduate student Teaching Assistants and Teaching Associates. The workshops are designed to help ​both new and experienced TAs develop novel teaching strategies and address any challenges that you are facing in the classroom.

Each session is limited to 10 participants, and all sessions are held in Kerr Hall 1128. Please RSVP as soon as possible to reserve your space.

Crafting your Teaching Philosophy Statement
Friday, April 7, 10 - 11 a.m.
Facilitator: Dr. Lisa Berry, Instructional Development

Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement can be a challenge, and is required for most teaching positions. At the same time, examining and articulating your teaching philosophy can help you to become a more effective instructor. As a participant in this workshop, you will work through a series of exercises to help you reflect on your teaching, and by workshop end you will have a draft outline of your teaching philosophy statement.

Preparing your CCUT Portfolio
Wednesday, April 12, 1 - 2 p.m.
Facilitator: Dr. Lisa Berry, Instructional Development

The session will provide tips on writing the CCUT teaching portfolio, including ways of presenting teaching materials, documenting student ratings, meeting the technology requirement, tone of the portfolio narration, and more. Participants need to have completed at least two of the CCUT requirements. Please note that if you are completing your doctorate degree in Summer, the final date that you may submit your CCUT portfolio is Friday, May 5.

Mock Interviews & Debrief: Talk about your Teaching
Wednesday, April 26, 3 - 4 p.m. OR Thursday, April 27, 3 - 4 p.m.
Facilitator: Dr. Mindy Colin, Instructional Development and Emma Levine, TA Development Program Coordinator

Interested in a career in higher-education teaching? In this mock group interview, participants will have a chance to practice talking about their teaching. To foster authenticity, we will induce a mild degree of nervousness by videotaping participants. During a private follow-up session, you will have the opportunity to review your performance on videotape with an Instructional Consultant. Each session will be limited to 3-4 participants, so RSVP for one of the two sessions as soon as possible.

Teaching Reading Comprehension
Friday, April 28, 1 - 2 p.m.
Facilitator: Emma Levine, TA Development Program Coordinator, Music Department

Do you find your students are unable to remember what they've read? Does this manifest in lack-luster class discussions or poor test scores? In this workshop, we will discuss how to help our students become "active" readers, focusing on reading techniques and note-taking skills, and finally debunking some common myths about reading.

Teaching to Multi-Level Groups
Monday, May 1, 4 - 5 p.m.
Facilitator: Emma Levine, TA Development Program Coordinator, Music Department

Students come into our classrooms from different backgrounds with varying levels of prior knowledge. While this diversity of students [poses] some difficulties, such as how to determine an appropriate pace for the class to maximize student engagement, there are actually many advantages to this situation. In this workshop, we will discuss different ways to encourage learning at all levels and explore different types of section activities to build a community of learners in the classroom.

Jump-Starting Discussion: Increasing Student Involvement
Monday, ​May 8, ​4 - 5 p.m.
Facilitator: Emma Levine, TA Development Program Coordinator, Music Department

Fostering student participation is key to making discussion sections both effective and fun. We will discuss how you can prepare yourself, and your students, for lively discussions. These practical approaches can help students engage with the material, become more motivated scholars, and increase student interaction.

Acting Lessons for Teachers - Part I
Friday, May 19, 1 - 2 p.m.
Facilitator: Emma Levine, TA Development Program Coordinator, Music Department

The enthusiasm of the instructor can lead to greater student engagement, and oftentimes, the most effective teachers are perceived as being the most enthusiastic. This raises the question as to whether we can become more enthusiastic, so as to be more effective in the classroom. The answer is yes, and one way to do so is integrate methods commonly used by actors into your teaching. There are numerous parallels between the professions of acting and teaching, and we teachers can enhance our versatility in the classroom by employing some of the same techniques used by actors. In this workshop, we will discuss some of these different tools and how they can be used to create unique classroom experiences that inspire students. The more comfortable and confident you are using these techniques, the more tools you will have at your disposal to make your teaching come to life.

Acting Lessons for Teachers - Part II
Friday, May 26, 1 - 2 p.m.
Facilitator: Emma Levine, TA Development Program Coordinator, Music Department

This workshop will be a continuation of the first Acting Lessons workshop. We will continue to explore methods and act out scenarios. You do not need to have attended the first acting lessons workshop in order to attend this one.

Effective Use of Mobile Technology during Section
Wednesday, May 31, 2 - 3 p.m.
Facilitator: Dr. Mindy Colin, Instructional Development

Come learn the many different ways you can engage students by having them use their smart phones, tablets, and laptops during section! Not only we will look at some great classroom games and apps, we will also cover how to manage student behavior regarding mobile technology use during class.

​Click here to reserve your space for any of the above workshops.