Career Development

The UCSB Public Speaking Initiative is seeking an individual with a particular talent for and interest in maintaining and improving their website and online presence. Salary commensurate with experience but normally in the range of $25-30 per hour for approximately 30 hours per quarter.

By Daina Tagavi, Professional Development Peer
Thursday, February 1st, 2018 - 1:12pm

The UCSB Public Speaking Initiative is seeking an individual with a particular talent for and interest in maintaining and improving their website. Salary commensurate with experience but normally in the range of $25-30 per hour for approximately 30 hours per quarter. This initiative, supported by the UC Office of the President, presents an opportunity to help shape the future of public speaking and oral communication not only at UCSB but throughout the UC system. The successful applicant will show great initiative in such contributions as: enhancing the current list of speaking resources, compiling and soliciting information on course offerings and faculty bios, developing strategies to increase traffic to the website (including social media), and keeping the site current with exciting, non-polarizing exemplary speeches.

If interested, please address a 1-page description of your interest and experience to Professor Jody Enders, Director of the Public Speaking Initiative at The position will remain open until filled.