Career Development

Join the UCSB Library for a talk by Johanna Drucker, a Breslaur Professor of Bibliographical Studies in the Department of Information Studies at UCLA. Dr. Drucker's talk will assess the challenges of appropriating visualization methods from natural and statistical sciences for use in digital humanities, and will outline a set of proposals for alternatives.

By Daina Tagavi, Professional Development Peer
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018 - 9:00am

Join the UCSB Library for a talk by Johanna Drucker, a Breslaur Professor of Bibliographical Studies in the Department of Information Studies at UCLA. Dr. Drucker's talk will assess the challenges of appropriating visualization methods from natural and statistical sciences for use in digital humanities, and will outline a set of proposals for alternatives. The proposals are based on theoretical principles that assert the historical and cultural conditions of knowledge production as a foundation for thinking about the connection between computational analytics and graphical expressions.

Thursday, May 24
UCSB Library
Interdisciplinary Research Collaboratory
Mountain Side 2322 and 2324

This talk is co-sponsored by the UCSB Department of English's Transcriptions Center and the UCSB Library.