Career & Tools

The Interdisciplinary Humanities Center seeks graduate and undergraduate students who are fluent in Spanish to serve as interpreters at elementary schools during the schools’ fall parent-teacher conferences. Application deadline is October 8, 2018.

By Daina Tagavi, Professional Development Peer
Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 - 3:00pm

The Interdisciplinary Humanities Center supports interdisciplinary research and public programs that advance knowledge about human experience in cultural, historical, and social contexts. The IHC seeks graduate and undergraduate students who are fluent in Spanish to serve as interpreters at Isla Vista Elementary and Franklin Elementary schools during the schools' fall parent-teacher conferences. By drawing upon their foreign language expertise to meet the needs of elementary students and their families, student interpreters will gain experience in using their academic and language-brokering skills in a broader social environment that includes community members, teachers, and school administrators. Visit ​IHC's website to learn more about the Interpreting in Our Local Schools program.

Timeline and Structure:

Fall parent-teacher conferences are scheduled to take place at IV Elementary and Franklin Elementary during the week of November 13-16, 2018 between 12:30 and 4:30 pm at 30-minute intervals. Interpreters will be able to sign up in advance for the times they are available to work. Interpreters will be paid $10 for each 30-minute interval.

In early November, student interpreters will take part in a mandatory hour-long training session. During the session, students will become familiar with family-based issues, the potential content of the conferences, the vocabulary and terms frequently used in the discussions, and issues of confidentiality.

As part of your application you must upload a CV and a letter of interest describing your language training and preparation for this work, any relevant past experience, and the reasons you are interested in participating in this program; also include the name of a UCSB faculty member who is familiar with your language skills and who may be contacted as a reference. Applications are due by Monday, October 8, 2018. If you have any questions about the program, please contact IHC Associate Director Erin Nerstad at

To apply, please complete the online application form available here: