Career & Tools

The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies is looking for a 50% TA during Winter 2019. Apply now!

By Danny Meza, Diversity & Outreach Peer
Monday, October 22nd, 2018 - 2:00pm

Japanese Variant of Department's Logo.   Artist: Terashima Masayuk.

The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies is looking for a 50% TA for KOR 20: The New Korean Wave (TR 11:00am​-12:15pm) during Winter 2019.

Section Times are:

  • W 3:00​-3:50
  • R 3:00​-3:50
  • R 4:00​-4:50

Course Description:
Surveys the major social, economic, and cultural impact of the globalization and consumption of Korean popular cultural exports and music genres. Adopting a case study approach, the lectures will analyze history of K-pop, its stars, fandom, entertainment industry, and media induced tourism.

Minimum Qualifications:

- Knowledge of Korean Studies topics and concerns;

- Enrolled in a graduate program at the UCSB;

- Candidates with some background in humanities/social sciences preferred.

Please submit your letter of interest, CV, Cover Letter, and one letter of recommendation to Dr. Eunjin Choi at