Career Development

Michigan State University is currently inviting applications from US graduate students for the 2019 US-China International Research Experience. This research opportunity is for graduate students interested in building international research relationships, gaining experience in developing/porting software and algorithms for supercomputers, and exploring China. Read on for more info.

By Daina Tagavi, Professional Development Peer
Thursday, January 10th, 2019 - 10:30am

Michigan State University is currently inviting applications from US graduate students for the 2019 (NSF-funded) US-China International Research Experience for Students (IRES) focused on Algorithms & Software for SUpercomputer with emerging aRchitEctures (ASSURE).

This research opportunity is for graduate students who are interested in building international research relationships, gaining experience in developing/porting software and algorithms for supercomputers with either classical or emerging architectures, and exploring China. Students spend 2 months in the Summer researching at one of 3 host-institutions in China (China's #1 ​Supercomputing Center (NSCC-Wuxi), East China Normal - Shanghai, or Tsinghua University - Beijing). Students may select from a list of projects or propose a project they wish to work on during their time abroad.

Research areas include: Earth & Weather Systems, Advanced Manufacturing, Big Data, and Machine Learning.

Funding is provided for round trip travel to China, accommodation and meals, international health insurance, and a stipend ($500 per week).

Applicants from all US universities are invited to apply. Applicants must be US citizens and permanent residents and should be enrolled in a graduate program for the duration of the time they are abroad. See full eligibility requirements here​.

Important Dates:

  • Program dates: June 3 - August 9, 2019
  • Applications close: February 4, 2019

The application can be found at If you have any questions, please email