Career Development
UC Center Sacramento announces the STEM Solutions in Public Policy Award Competition. The award will recognize one or more outstanding proposals for new California state legislation from University of California Graduate Students in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics). Application deadline is June 14, 2019.

Have you ever thought, "There ought to be a law..."?
UC Center Sacramento announces the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Solutions in Public Policy Award Competition. The award will recognize one or more outstanding proposals for new California state legislation from University of California Graduate Students in STEM fields.
The winner will receive a $500 research stipend and - should their idea advance through the legislative process - confer with legislators and/or legislative staff in Sacramento and potentially testify before legislative committees.
Submissions will be accepted until midnight Paâcific time on June 14, 2019, and should include the following elements:
• An abstract of the proposed law, its purpose, and the underlying science or impact on scientific research (<=250 words)
• "There Ought to Be a Law" application form found here
• Current CV
Completed applications should be sent to Questions regarding the competition can be addressed to Cindy Simmons, UCCS Associate Director.
Competition winners will be selected based primarily on the clarity, feasibility, and originality of their proposal. Please note that if a state legislator decides to author a bill based on your proposal, the legislator will retain ownership of the idea for the duration of the legislative cycle.
Further information is available at UCCS STEM Solutions or on the UCCS website.