Career Development
The Graduate Division is currently accepting applications for its Graduate Writing Peer position to begin employment in September 2019. The position can be for Fall 2019 or the entire 2019-20 academic year and is renewable for subsequent years. The Writing Peer will assist in providing consultations with the opportunity to lead campus workshops and perform composition-based research should the peer desire. The priority consideration deadline is August 16.

The UCSB Graduate Division is currently accepting applications for its Graduate Writing Peer position to begin employment in September 2019. The position can be for Fall 2019 or the entire 2019-20 academic year and is renewable for subsequent years. The Graduate Writing Peer will assist the university's Graduate Writing Specialist in providing consultations with the opportunity to lead campus workshops and perform composition-based research should the peer desire. Successful applicants will primarily assist students applying to various grants and fellowships (e.g., the NSF GRFP). This position provides the opportunity to gain valuable technical writing experience, experience supporting students for those who might not have access teaching opportunities, and pedagogical training in writing consultation support.
PAYMENT: $18 per hour, plus fee payment equivalent to TA-ship for 25% time work
HOURS: As little as 5 hours weekly (12.5% appointment) and up to 20 hours weekly (50% appointment) during the academic year. Note: Minimum of 10 hours weekly is required to qualify for fee payment.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Priority consideration will be given to applications received by Friday, August 16th, 2019
Minimum qualifications:
- âIs in good academic standing, is within university time-to-degree standards, and meets all other standard student employment eligibility requirements
- Knowledgeable about scientific writing genre concerns (e.g., the difference between a results and discussion section) and scientific writing conventions (e.g., proper labeling of figures and tables).
- Experience applying to grants and fellowships (whether successful or not)
Additional Benefits: With the appropriate eligibility and approval, the position may be combined with a GSR or TA position, as long as the combined hours do not exceed 75% appointment (or 50% appointment for international graduate students). The Graduate Division will pay partial fees and graduate student health insurance (Gaucho Health Insurance) equivalent to those provided for TAs if other student academic appointments or awards do not provide these fees.
Application Process: Interested applicants should fill out THIS FORM, which requires uploading a formal resume and cover letter highlighting relevant interests and experiences. The priority application deadline is Friday, August 16th, 2019. Please direct any questions to âRobby Nadler, the Graduate Division's Graduate Writing Specialist.