Career Development

Each year, the California Council on Science & Technology (CCST) Science Fellows program recruits a corps of ten PhD scientists and engineers to spend one year in Sacramento directly serving policymakers within the California State Legislature. Join them for a webinar on September 26 to learn more about the Science and Technology Policy Fellowship from current fellows and alumni.

By Daina Tagavi, Professional Development Peer
Thursday, September 12th, 2019 - 12:50pm

Join the California Council on Science & Technology for a webinar on September 26 at 12pm PST to learn more about the CCST Science and Technology Policy Fellowship from current fellows and alumni.

A limited number of California's state legislators possess backgrounds in science, engineering, or technology. Despite this, they are asked to make critical decisions on a number of issues that require an understanding in these areas, such as our water supply, the state's energy grid, and overall environmental policy. To address the challenge this represents, each year the CCST Science Fellows program recruits a corps of ten PhD scientists and engineers. These Science Fellows spend one year in Sacramento, directly serving policymakers within the California State Legislature.

This webinar offered by CCST will provide an introduction to the CCST Science Fellows program and answer questions about the application process and requirements. Current CCST Science Fellows and Alumni will be on hand to talk about their fellowship year and their career experience after the Fellowship. Register for the webinar here. The application portal opens on December 1st, 2019 and applications are due February 28, 2020. The fellowship begins in Sacramento in November 2020. Read more about the fellowship program here.

The California Council on Science and Technology is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization established via the California State Legislature - making California's policies stronger with science since 1988. We engage leading experts in science and technology to advise State policymakers - ensuring that California policy is strengthened and informed by scientific knowledge, research, and innovation.