Career & Tools

Engineering Sciences is looking for one TA (at 50%) for ENGR 101 in Winter quarter. Please submit your application to Tiffany Sabado as soon as possible and/or by Monday at 4pm. The application is open to students outside of engineering, including humanities and social science graduate students.

Friday, January 3rd, 2020 - 4:10pm

Engineering Sciences is looking for one TA (at 50%) for ENGR 101 in Winter quarter. Please submit your application to Tiffany Sabado as soon as possible and/or by Monday at 4pm. Typical duties include, but not limited to, read and evaluate papers and facilitate group discussions.

The Lecture section for this position is on M/W 5-6:15pm.

​The catalog description of the course is as follows:

ENGR 101. Ethics in Engineering

Prerequisite: Senior standing in engineering.

The nature of moral value, normative judgment and moral reasoning. Theories of moral value. The engineer's role in society. Ethics in professional practice. Safety, risk, responsibility. Morality and career choice. Code of ethics. Case studies facilitate the comprehension of the concepts introduced.