Career Development
Do you want to make up to $250 per quarter while also serving your fellow graduate students? The GSA is looking for dedicated grads to represent their peers and colleagues on campus committees to ensure that the graduate student community's needs and interests are being considered and served. GSA will even pay you for your labor! Read on for more info.

Do you want to make up to $250 per quarter while also serving your fellow graduate students?
UC Santa Barbara has many campus-wide committees that are responsible for everything from oversight, institution of new policies, event planning, to recruitment of new campus personnel.
In all of these areas and more, graduate student voices are significantly underrepresented. As such, dedicated grads are needed to represent their peers and colleagues on campus committees to ensure that âthe graduate student community's needs and interests are being considered and served. GSA will even pay you for your labor! They have several open positions in the following committees:
+ Food Security and Basic Needs Committee | 1 open position
+ Communications Team | 1 open position
+ Collaborate Advisory Committee | 1 open position
+ AS Bike Shopping Building | 1 open position
+ Events Center Governance Board | 1 open position
+ UCSB Action Collaborative Steering Committee | 1 open position
+ Student Resource Building Governance Board | 1 open position
+ Campus Election Commission | 1 open position
+ Collaborate/ITEI Fee Advisory Committee | 1 open position
+ Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Board | 1 open position
To see a list of the committee's descriptions, click here.
All interested applicants should email Luke Rosedahl, VP of Budget, Finance, and Committees, with which committee they are interested in along with a brief cover letter listing their qualifications and why they are interested in the committee.