Career Development

Don't miss the UC virtual career fairs! UCSB graduate students are invited to join 10 other University of California campuses for the first-ever Virtual Career Fair. Students from every major, discipline, and degree level will be participating in the career fairs in an exciting virtual setting. The STEM-focused Career Fair is on Tuesday, May 26th and the general Career Fair is on Wednesday, May 27th. Don't know what to expect from this virtual event? Check out our resources for how to prepare for the virtual career fair.

By Vash Doshi, Graduate Career Peer
Friday, May 8th, 2020 - 9:30am

Career Fair slider

UCSB Career Services is ​helping to ​hold the first-ever Virtual Career Fairs spanning the University of California system! Students from all ten University of California campuses are invited to meet employers from a variety of industries to network and learn about full-time, part-time or internship opportunities in an exciting virtual setting. All students from every major and degree level are invited to attend these events. Students must register on the CareerEco website to secure a space in the event.

Click on the links below to learn more and to register.

UC Wide STEM Career Fair
Tuesday, May 26th from 9am-6pm
This fair will include employers recruiting for technical and scientific internships and/or full-time positions in a wide variety of industries. Graduate students can ​click here to research the employers that are attending by degree requirements (M.A. or PhD) and position types (full-time employment or internships).
Register at CareerEco here.

UC Wide Career Fair
Wednesday, May 27th from 9am-6pm
This fair will include employers recruiting for non-technical internships and/or full-time positions in a wide variety of industries. Graduate students can click here ​to research the employers that are attending by degree requirements (M.A. or PhD) and position types (full-time employment or internships).
Register at CareerEco here.

Prepare for the Virtual Career Fair
You can access a video recording of the "Prepare for the Career Fair" webinar that was hosted on 5/20. Alternatively, you can access a PDF of the presentation as well.

Additional Prep Materials and CareerECO Resources
Check out this video from MIT (we recommend watching 3:25-7:50 and 10:50-23:26) for tips on preparing for virtual career fairs.

Here is a 4 minute video from CareerECO on how to be prepared. Video