Career Development

UC Santa Barbara's Foundations in the Humanities is a restorative justice program that uses the study of literature to help incarcerated participants develop the habits of mind, self-awareness, and interpersonal skills necessary to cultivate and maintain respectful and productive social relationships. The program is accepting applications for 2020-21 graduate instructors to teach the program. Find out more today!

By Daina Tagavi, Professional Development Peer
Thursday, May 28th, 2020 - 9:00am

Apply to be a teaching fellow for Foundations in the Humanities, a prison correspondence program.

Foundations in the Humanities is a restorative justice program sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center that uses the study of literature to help incarcerated participants develop the habits of mind, self-awareness, and interpersonal skills necessary to cultivate and maintain respectful and productive social relationships. The program takes place through correspondence and is active in eighteen California state prisons.

The IHC is accepting applications for 2020-21 graduate instructors to teach in the Foundations in the Humanities program. Instructors will be designated IHC teaching fellows.

Fellows will take part in four, two-hour training workshops in September 2020, before the start of the academic year, and will enroll in a one-unit course, which will meet 2-3 times per quarter, to continue their training.

Compensation: $500.00 per quarter. The workload fluctuates throughout the year and averages 2-3 hours per week.

Program Prerequisites: Prior teaching in humanities courses and experience providing written feedback on student essays devoted to close reading.

Application materials: CV and letter indicating reasons for your interest in Foundations in the Humanities and relevant prior experience. Finalists for teaching positions will be interviewed by the program director.

Application deadline: June 12, 2020.

Contact Susan Derwin with any questions about this program. Find out more and apply here.