Career Development
Interested in a career beyond the academy, and want to learn more about the essentials of crafting it? Join these professional development webinars from Beyond the Professoriate for a jump start. They are free to join and also available to watch on replays. Advance registration is required.
Beyond the Professoriate is hosting a series of free events to support graduate student and postdoctoral professional and career development. Webinars will be held live, and replays will be available afterwards. Webinars are free to attend or watch afterwards (advance registration required).
Below is a list of events, along with the links to register.
All event information can be also be found here.
Opportunities for Humanities and Social Science PhDs in the Private Sector
Oct. 16th, 2020 | 12 p.m. ET | Register here
What can grad students in the Humanities and Social Sciences do with their PhD? This webinar will explore some of the jobs in the private sector where PhDs in these fields have found success. Join L. Maren Wood (Founder of Beyond the Professoriate) as she talks to four Humanities and Social Science PhDs about their career paths. After attending this webinar, you will be able to locate growing sectors for PhDs coming out of the Humanities and Social Sciences; coordinate successful networking within the private sector; and recognize common challenges for Humanities and Social Science PhDs transitioning to industry
What Every STEM PhD Should Know About Working in Industry
Oct. 23rd, 2020 | 12 p.m. ET | Register here
How can grad students and postdocs in STEM prepare for work outside of academia? In this panel discussion, three STEM PhDs share their experiences of searching for jobs in industry and what they had to learn in their new careers. After attending, you will be able to articulate the routines and challenges of a STEM PhD working in industry; identify common careers for STEM PhDs outside of academia; and apply networking strategies to assist in your industry job search.
Telling Your Transition Story to Non-Academic Employers
Nov. 13th, 2020 | 12 p.m. ET | Register here
Are you struggling to explain your career transition to others? Join L. Maren Wood (Founder of Beyond the Professoriate) in this webinar about how to construct a comprehensive transition story to non-academic employers. After attending, you will learn how to build a compelling and authentic elevator pitch to use in networking and interviews; locate your key strengths and skills that industry professionals understand and value; and adapt your background and experience to support your career goals.
Building Positive Relationships in Graduate School
Nov. 20th, 2020 | 12 p.m. ET | Register here
Graduate school can be challenging without proper support and fulfilling professional relationships. In this webinar, a panel of academic experts who work with grad students will discuss ways to maintain positive and healthy connections with your colleagues and supervisors. After attending, you will be able to reproduce strategies for supportive community building in your department; recognize channels that will help you confront toxic behavior in academic spaces; and create healthy habits for balancing school, research, and social life.
3 Skills Every PhD Should Have When They Graduate
Dec. 11th, 2020 | 12 p.m. ET | Register here
What should you be doing in grad school if you're considering a post-ac career? This webinar will explore the steps grad students should be taking to gain the skills non-academic employers desire. After attending, you will be able to develop a plan to gain linear work experience while in school; incorporate strategies for balancing self-employment and side hustles with your studies; and connect your skills to career paths that align with your professional goals.
2020 Lessons Learned and Ways to Plan for 2021
Dec. 18th, 2020 | 12 p.m. ET | Register here
Join Beyond the Professoriate as they examine how 2020 shaped job searching and professional development -- and how we can employ best practices for a successful 2021. Attendees will learn how to identify strategies and skills that helped job seekers on the market this year; outline a manageable plan to aid in your career development; and evaluate the steps you need to take next year in your professional development and career transition.