Career Development

Apply for Free the PhD, a free 4-week virtual Career Bootcamp from June 27-July 22. The bootcamp will offer a blended professional development learning experience designed specifically for UCSB’s PhDs and Postdocs. Work with Free the PhD founder Vay Cao and UCSB’s Graduate Career Counselor Lana Smith-Hale to get individualized feedback, insider information on how to best sell your skills, and tips on how to network with the right people. Apply by June 5th!

By Lana Smith-Hale
Tuesday, May 17th, 2022 - 11:27am

After two successful courses in Fall 2020 and Winter 2021, we are excited to be able to offer UCSB graduate students and postdocs another chance to experience Free the PhD, a virtual career development course during Summer 2022! It is free of charge and will help you explore alternative careers to academia and develop your materials.

Course Details:

This free 4-week Bootcamp, which runs from June 27-July 22, 2022, is a quick, intensive, and interactive blended professional development learning experience that is designed specifically for UCSB's PhDs and Postdocs within both the career exploration stage, and the active job search stage. This is essentially a "career course" where you will receive individualized feedback, learn insider information on how to best sell your skills and how to network with the right people, and engage with a cohort of UCSB graduate students and postdocs to learn from your peers who are literally going through the same career concerns you are.


UCSB Graduate Career Services is excited to partner again with Vay Cao PhD, owner and creator of Free the PhD, who brings a wealth of expert knowledge on transitioning the PhD into the "real world." Students will get access to a digital course and mobile app with instructional text and video content specifically designed to lead you step-by-step through the psychology and practical protocols for career success. They also get access to a Private UCSB Community Forum and weekly live Office Hours that will be moderated by Lana Smith-Hale (UCSB's Graduate Career Counselor) and Vay Cao. You will be assigned homework each week to act upon the lessons provided, get individualized feedback on materials and opportunities, and practice new skills in order to walk away from the Course more prepared, confident, and energized to reach your desired career goals.

Qualifications & Expectations:

There are up to 30 spots available which are open to any UCSB graduate student and postdoc who is interested in actively participating in a 4-week virtual career bootcamp to help either find a career path or get the tools to apply to jobs. Expect to spend 2 hours per week on the course: 1 hour engaging with the platform (e.g., completing homework assignments, engaging in learning the content) and 1 hour per week attending live Office Hours. The aim is to help you in concrete ways, not add more work to your plate. Note: this course is open to those who have received an IPS grant before.

Application Details:

The application is due Sunday, June 5, 2022 by 11:59pm Pacific. It is a fairly short application process that you can access through the IPS portal. Applicants will be notified on Friday, June 17 if they are accepted into the course or not.

When filling out the application, be sure to select the option "I am requesting no more than $100 in funding from IPS (e.g., Free the PhD Career Development Course)" on the application. You may enter "N/A" for all of the travel and budget questions on the form. For the name of the professional opportunity title, please say "Free the PhD Summer 2022". And lastly, please include a brief statement (3 sentences) describing your interest in the opportunity and how it will benefit your career exploration or preparation. We will use your answer here to select applicants for the limited spots.


This course is available through a partnership with Free the PhD and UCSB Career Services, and is generously sponsored through the UCSB Individualized Professional Skills (IPS) program. Please email Lana Smith-Hale with any questions about the program. We look forward to reading your applications soon!