Career Development

Learn more about the Certificate in Inclusive Teaching as well as the DEI Discussions reading group from Instructional Development. Both of these offerings will be available in Winter 2024 for those who want to engage in discussions and training around diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

By Michael Roysner, Graduate Programming Assistant
Wednesday, December 13th, 2023 - 10:09am

DEI Training Image

UCSB's Instructional Development is excited to launch a new Certificate in Inclusive Teaching (CIT), which is a flexible resource for grad students and postdocs to foster inclusive classrooms, mentor a diverse student body, and navigate the job market after grad school. To earn the CIT, scholars must attend at least 1 workshop/event from each of the 4 themes:

  1. Course Design
  2. Instruction
  3. Mentorship & Student Support
  4. Professional Development 

CIT workshops offerings include: “How to Set Boundaries,” “Crafting your Diversity Statement,” “Make your Course More Accessible with UDL,” “Leverage Your Teaching Experience for Non-Academic Jobs,” and more!

Additionally, students can earn the CIT by attending all four sessions of the popular grad student and postdoc reading group "DEI Discussions: From Equity Talk to Equity Walk." The group will meet 4 times during winter quarter on Thursdays via Zoom starting on Week 3. Interested participants can sign up for DEI Discussions here.


If you miss a meeting, no worries! There will be plenty more workshops and initiatives as part of the Certificate in Inclusive Teaching. Be sure to enroll in the Certificate in Inclusive Teaching Canvas site for the latest updates. 

Certificate in Inclusive Teaching
DEI Discussion Group