Career & Tools

This workshop, held May 24th at 1 pm, will unpack informational interviews and what they entail, walk through best practices and serve as a safe space to openly discuss feelings about anxiety or imposter syndrome that can impact your confidence.

By Lee Fowler, GSRC Student Assistant
Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 - 1:18pm

Career Services is holding an upcoming Informational Interview Workshop on May 24th at 1pm. This workshop will help unpack what an informational interview entails, walk through best practices and different scenarios that could happen, and hold an open discussion about feelings such as anxiety or imposter syndrome.
Students will have the opportunity to practice conducting an informational interview and will hopefully leave feeling confident and more prepared! This workshop will be entirely virtual, with a recording and slides sent afterwards to those registered.
Register for this event through Shoreline and please reach out to Osiris Hal if you have any questions.