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The UCSB Academic Senate is now accepting nominations for Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards. Teaching assistants play a vital role in enhancing the teaching mission of the University. The Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards recognize the contributions of graduate students to the teaching and learning process at UC Santa Barbara. Nomination deadline is January 2, 2019.

Read more about the article "Nominations open for Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards"

The UC San Diego Center on Gender Equity and Health is seeking interns for a three-campus study to assess knowledge, attitudes, and factors surrounding the prevention of sexual assault, harassment, and dating violence at UCLA, UCSD, and UCSB. The researchers on this project are currently seeking a graduate student from UCSB to join their team as a research intern from December 2018 through the end of the current academic year. Apply today!

Read more about the article "Campus Violence Prevention Graduate Student Research Internship"

Career Services and the GSRC are seeking graduate students with past internship experience to come speak on a student panel that will be held Wednesday, February 6. The panel will provide fellow graduate students with advice on seeking out, applying for, and succeeding in internships of all different disciplines. If you have insight that you can share with your peers, please let us know! Deadline to confirm participation as a panelist is January 18.

Read more about the article "Calling all interns!"

Is it possible to explain your research in a way that even a general audience can understand and appreciate—and in just a few minutes if necessary? Join us for a 90-minute workshop that will help you use a story-based approach to make your research accessible to non-specialist audiences. This workshop is open to all grads and postdocs and is perfect for those preparing for Grad Slam!

Read more about the article "Captivate an Audience with Your Research Story"

The Spatial Center is a cross- and inter-disciplinary center that brings together thinkers and doers from across (and off) campus to consider, apply, and promote novel ways to infuse a spatial perspective into all kinds of research. They host and promote academic presentations and lunch-time talks to increase campus awareness of graduate student research. RSVP for their November 28 Spatial Technology Lunch today!

Read more about the article "Opportunities to present graduate student work at UCSB's Spatial Center"

The William & Mary's Graduate Research Symposium Committee invites Arts & Sciences graduate students at UCSB to participate in the 18th Annual Graduate Research Symposium on March 15 & 16, 2019. They are seeking abstract submissions from currently enrolled graduate students in the following discipline(s): American Studies, Anthropology, Applied Science, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, History, Physics, Psychology, and Public Policy. Read more here!

Read more about the article "William & Mary's 18th Annual Graduate Research Symposium call for abstracts"

The application for City Internships' 2018/19 Study and Intern Abroad Programs is now open. For this academic year, City Internships is offering Winter, Spring, and Summer Programs in nine locations. All of the programs feature a series of career-readiness classes, workshops, and events centered around an internship placement at a leading company in an industry of interest to a student. Apply today!

Read more about the article "City Internships international work experience applications now open"