Career & Tools

The first day of section often sets the tone for the entire quarter, and some of the challenges we face as TAs can be avoided by setting up ourselves and our students for success on the first day. Whether you’ve taught before, or winter quarter is your first time teaching, come join us for a discussion on how make the most of your first day with your students.

Monday, January 8th, 2018 - 9:27am

The first day of section often sets the tone for the entire quarter, and some of the challenges we face as TAs can be avoided by setting up ourselves and our students for success on the first day. What should you do on the first day? How long do you really need to spend going over logistics? How much time should be spent covering content? How much time should you devote to getting to know your students? Whether you've taught before, or winter quarter is your first time teaching, come join us for a discussion on how make the most of your first day with your students.