Career Development
As part of the Professional Development Series for postdocs and graduate students, Dr. Kimberly Tanner will share her knowledge and path towards working in the field of biology education. Dr. Tanner holds a PhD in Neuroscience from UCSF and is currently a faculty member in the Department of Biology at San Francisco State University.
As part of the Professional Development Series for postdocs and graduate students, Dr. Kimberly Tanner will share her knowledge and path towards working in the field of biology education. Dr. Tanner holds a PhD in Neuroscience from UCSF and is currently a faculty member in the Department of Biology at San Francisco State University.
AT SFSU, Dr. Tanner oversees her research group SEPAL: The Science Education Partnership and Assessment Laboratory. SEPAL focuses on
how people learn science and how teachers and scientists can collaborate to make science teaching and learning in classrooms - kindergarten through college - more like how scientists work. Ultimately, this information may have the potential of informing curriculum development and teaching reform.
January 19, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Elings Hall, Room 1601 (map)
RSVP Required (here)