Career & Tools

As a TA, it can often be difficult to develop handouts for your students that are effective, concise, and visually pleasing. In this workshop, you will learn what kind of content to include on handouts and how to format them. Examples will be provided.

Friday, January 26th, 2018 - 8:00am

Have you ever wanted to provide your students with a handout to use in section or serve as a helpful guide for difficult concepts? Maybe the prospect of creating a handout from scratch seems too daunting or time consuming, or you feel like your handouts need a fresh look or a new change. Handouts can be a great way to help your students breakdown complex topics, understand old material in new ways, or help students to organize their thinking. This workshop will provide you with example handouts and different takes on how to format your handouts, including concept maps, charts, outlines, storyboards, and more.

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