Career & Tools

Do you have an interest in helping junior high students gain familiarity with science education? Family Ultimate Science Exploration (FUSE) is a program for underrepresented students and their families to gain familiarity with the practice of science. If you are interested in becoming a FUSE volunteer, please attend the training session on Thursday, March 15.

Friday, March 9th, 2018 - 9:16am

Do you have an interest in helping junior high students and families gain familiarity with science and its importance in education? Would you like an easy way to get involved and give back to the local community? Are you looking for ways to increase your science communication opportunities outside the university?

Family Ultimate Science Exploration (FUSE) is a program for underrepresented students and their families to gain familiarity with the practice of science, its importance in education, and its promise of exciting career options. Join them in teaching local high school students how to build ​Speakers (Engineering), Elephant Toothpaste (Chemical Reactions), and explore Polymers and Non-Newtonian Fluids (Materials).

If you are interested in volunteering for FUSE in Spring 2018, they are hosting a training session on Thursday, March 15, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in Elings Hall 1601. Pizza will be provided. Click here to RSVP.