Career & Tools

Don't miss out on one of our most popular grad events of the year: the Library Wine & Cheese Reception! This April 9 event is ​free to all grad students in possession of a valid ID that says you're a graduate student and over the age of 21.

Monday, April 2nd, 2018 - 9:30am

Don't miss out on one of our most popular grad events of the year: the Library Wine & Cheese Reception! This event is ​free to all grad students in possession of a valid ID that says you're a graduate student and over the age of 21.

Library Wine & Cheese Reception
Monday, April 9
4:30-6:30 p.m.
UCSB Library Pacific View Room
(8th Floor, Ocean Side)

Reminder: Bring your photo ID (or proof of age) and please remember to eat your cheese responsibly