Career & Tools

Have you ever considered what teachers can learn from actors? This workshop will offer some acting tips for teachers who wish to increase their presence, confidence, and enthusiasm in the classroom. It will introduce you to some easy, practical exercises that can help improve these aspects of teaching and transform your classroom performance.philosophy statement.

Monday, April 2nd, 2018 - 4:40pm

Have you ever considered what teachers can learn from actors? After all, they do perform their role in front of a student audience and captivate them with their confidence and enthusiasm. Teachers often set the tone of a classroom, just like actors make a show memorable. The most effective teachers do so in a way that encourages active student engagement. They share the stage, making everyone feel like they are part of the experience. This workshop will offer some acting tips for teachers who wish to increase their presence, confidence, and enthusiasm in the classroom. It will introduce you to some easy, practical exercises that can help improve these aspects of teaching and transform your classroom performance.philosophy statement.

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