Career & Tools

To be successful in your job search as an international student, you need to plan strategically, and be knowledgeable regarding immigration regulations that affect employment eligibility based on visa status. Join this career info session to learn about specialized career resources, job search strategies, professional preparations, and get insights from OISS and Career Services representatives.

Friday, April 27th, 2018 - 8:00am

To be successful in your job search as an international student, you need to plan strategically, and be knowledgeable regarding immigration regulations that affect employment eligibility based on visa status. Join the international grad student career info session, learn about specialized career resources, job search strategies, professional preparations, and get insights from OISS and Career Services representatives.

NOTE: Please RSVP as soon as possible to secure your spot for the event.

Finding U.S. Employment Info Session
T​hursday, ​May 3
Student Resource Building, ​2nd Floor Conference Room