Career Development

What do you want to be known for? What makes you stand out as a scholar/professional? If you don't define your own value, others either won't know or will define it for you. Join us for a workshop to learn how to articulate what makes you unique, define your career goals, and make a plan to convey your message to others.

Monday, May 14th, 2018 - 12:48pm

What do you want to be known for?

What area of expertise do you want to be associated with?

What makes you stand out as a scholar/professional?

As a scholar, you must take control of the professional persona you present to the world. "Branding" is more than just a term used in the sales industry; it is a ​broadly valuable concept that is all about showing your value. And if you don't define your own value, others either won't know or will define it for you. This workshop will help you explore how to present yourself to your professional community. Learn how to articulate what makes you unique, define your career goals, and make a plan to convey your message to others.