Career & Tools

How do you distill your entire academic and professional career into one document? You may be the best candidate for a job, but if you do not have a well-organized C.V., then you're likely to get lost in the application pile. Come to this workshop on July 10 and learn what the major sections of a C.V. include and how to tailor your C.V. to specific positions.

Monday, July 2nd, 2018 - 9:05am

The resume is a staple of job applications, but academia works a bit differently. Instead of the resume, academic jobs request a C.V. While there are similarities between the two, you need to know how they differ and what goes into a strong C.V. You may be the best candidate for a job, but if you do not have a well-organized C.V. that reflects your skills and qualifications, then you're likely to get lost in the application pile. This is just as true for other academic contexts (grants!, grants!, grants!) where a C.V. is requested to determine your qualifications. So how do you distill your entire academic and professional career into a document?

Continuing the summer Academic Job Market Writing Workshop Series, we will explore C.V.s: what they are, what they look like, and how to write them to the job that you are applying for. Participants will learn what the major sections of a C.V. include and how to tailor a ​C.V. to specific positions (e.g., a teaching-focused position versus a research-oriented one). Should time permit, we will also workshop our C.V.s with each other, so bring a draft of C.V. if you have one!

​When: Tuesday, July 10, 1-2:30pm
Where: MPR (SRB 1112)
RSVP here but drop-ins are welcome!