Career & Tools

The 500 Women Scientists (500WS) group in collaboration with Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) is hosting a networking event for women in STEM on March 6th. Learn more about the event and RSVP today!

Thursday, February 28th, 2019 - 3:15pm

The 500 Women Scientists (500WS) group in collaboration with Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) is hosting a networking event for women in STEM on March 6th at 3pm in the UCSB Library room 1312.

What is speed mentoring? It's sort of like speed dating, but you are meeting potential mentors and protégées, allies and sources of information to help you make the most of your science career!

Who will be there? This event is open to undergraduates, graduates, post-docs, early- career and established professors, and career scientists. Come meet fellow women in the greater Santa Barbara science community!

How does it work? Following opening introductions, we will divide into small rotating groups to discuss and take advantage of the experiences and wisdom of
fellow women in science.

RSVP today!

The 500 Women Scientists group ​also hosts ​an open and friendly monthly discussion starter to acknowledge and build conversation around topics that affect women in science. For more information about the March 11th discussion on how language affects our perception of gender, please click here.