Career Development

CBE and CSEP are cohosting the 3rd annual Biotechnology Industry Showcase event on Friday, May 24th! S.T.E.M. students of all kinds are highly encouraged to participate. This will be an all day catered professional mixer with approximately 15 companies from the Santa Barbara and California area representing biotechnology, life science, diagnostic, medical device, and technology fields. Read on for more info!

Monday, May 13th, 2019 - 9:00am

The UC Santa Barbara Center for BioEngineering and Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships are cohosting the 3rd annual UC Santa Barbara Biotechnology Industry Showcase on Friday, May 24th, 2019. S.T.E.M. students of all kinds are highly encouraged to participate!

This will be an all day catered professional mixer with approximately 15 companies from the Santa Barbara and California area representing biotechnology, life science, diagnostic, medical device, and technology fields. The event is organized by and primarily for PhD students, but all are welcome to attend. Participants will be able to present a poster on their research (optional but encouraged), get a professional headshot taken, and mingle with industry professionals during talks, panels, and catering breaks. Attendees have the option to register for part of the day or the full day, whichever works better for their schedules.

Priority will be given to RSVPs received by Friday, May 17th, with walk-in participation available as space permits.

More info and RSVP links can be found here.